
  • Frequency


  • Editor In Chief

    Dr. Konrad Gunesch

  • Publisher

    Woxsen University

  • ISSN Number


International Journal of Technology, Management and Knowledge Processing (IJTMKP) is a peer-reviewed, online international journal which aims to publish scholarly research articles on biannual basis. It welcomes novel and ground-breaking contributions from a wide range of research traditions particularly encouraging innovative ideas in conceptual developments and research methodologies.

The journal is completely open access which has opened the doors for millions of international readers and academicians to keep in touch with the latest research findings in the field of management, technology, and knowledge processing.

Aim & Scope

International Journal of Technology, Management and Knowledge Processing (IJTMKP) is a biannual peer-reviewed open-access journal published by Woxsen University. The primary objective of the journal is to publish scholarly work related to various disciplines such as technology, Business Management, Arts & Design, Architecture, and Innovation.

The journal advances the field of business and management with contemporary and new informative and insightful content having implications for industry, practitioners, business scholars, leaders, and professional managers around the world. Specifically, the following three items set the journal apart: The submission should emphasize on application of research to organizational performance, managerial decision-making, innovation, knowledge processing and sustainable practices.

The journal welcomes original papers from both academicians and practitioners in the following management disciplines:

  • Information Technology
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing and Strategy, Sustainable Marketing, Consumer Research
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
  • Public Systems, including Health and Education, and Government
  • Rural Development
  • Entrepreneurship and social enterprise
  • Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability
  • International Management and Organizations
  • Operations management and logistics research
  • Legal issues, business ethics, and firm governance
  • Managerial accounting and firm financial affairs
  • Non-traditional research and creative methodologies
  • Managerial Marketing Research
  • Sustainable Finance & Capital Markets


Manuscripts must be submitted online at editor.ijtmkp@woxsen.edu.in

Each article accepted by peer review is made freely available online immediately upon publication. There is no APC or any other charge for submitting a paper to the journal.

  • Review Process


    Each article submitted to the journal will first undergo editorial review by the Editorial team. Subsequently, if deemed fit to the scope of the journal will be send for a double-blind review process. The review at each round in general will take around 12 weeks. IJTMKP reserves the right to make editorial amendments to the final draft of the manuscript to suit the journal’s requirements.

  • Contributor’s publishing agreement


    Before publication, IJTMKP requires the author to sign a Journal Contributor’s Publishing Agreement.

  • Plagiarism


    IJTMKP takes issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism or other breaches of best practice in publication very seriously. We seek to protect the rights of our authors, and we always investigate claims of plagiarism or misuse of published articles. Equally, we seek to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Submitted articles may be checked with duplication-checking software. Where an article, for example, is found to have plagiarized other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgment, or where the authorship of the article is contested, we reserve the right to take but not limited to publishing an erratum or corrigendum (correction); retracting the article; taking up the matter with the head of department or dean of the author's institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; or taking appropriate legal action.


  • Format


    Length: Ideally no more than 25 typeset pages, 9000 words (excluding Abstract, Methods, References, and figure legends).
    Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt., Single spacing.
    Headings: Main headings should be numbered in Arabic numerals and could be bold.
    Subheadings should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2, etc. and should not be bold or italics. Further subheadings should be numbered as 1.1 (a), 1.1 (b), etc. and should be in italics.
    Title: Should be concise and preferably within 15 words.
    Abstract: This should be around 250 words, summarizing the theoretical contribution and practical relevance of the paper.
    Keywords: Up to 6 relevant keywords for indexing.

  • Manuscript


    Title Page: Should contain the title and the author’s affiliation and contact information of the corresponding author.

  • Introduction


    Structure: Preferred format is structured (Introduction, Conceptual Background or Literature Review, Methodology, Results/Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, Limitation).
    References: Limited to 60.
    Acknowledgements: It is optional.
    Figure Legends: Limited to 350 words per figure.
    Tables: Maximum size of one page.
    Footnotes: Not allowed.
    Figures and Tables: Limited to 10 (figures and/or tables).

  • Cover Letter


    The cover letter should be addressed to the Editor-in-Chief and should briefly explain why your work is suitable, include your contact information and disclose any prior discussions with Editorial Board Members.

  • References


    Format: We follow the standard APA format for citations.
    Authors: Include all authors (or "et al." for 3+)
    Ethics Declaration
    Human/Animal Subjects: Include statements in the Methods section.
    Informed Consent: Authors should have obtained informed consent for human participants.
    Confidentiality and Privacy: Anonymize study participant data

  • Figure Format


    Title Sentence: Begin with a brief title sentence, followed by a description of each panel.
    Methodological Details: Minimize.
    Text Limit: Limit total legend text to 350 words.
    File Format – All figures should be submitted in jpg or tiff format.

  • Tables


    Format: Submit in editable format (Word or LaTeX).
    Error Analysis: Include descriptions in the table legend for tables with statistical analysis.

  • General Figure/Illustration Guidelines


    Permission: Obtain permission for copyrighted figures/illustrations.
    Source: State the source of all images.
    Numbering: Number figures consecutively with Arabic numerals.
    Typeface: Use clear, sans-serif typeface (e.g., Helvetica or Times New Roman) for figure lettering.
    Font Size: Ensure consistent font size for all figures.

Editorial Review Board

  • Editor-in-Chief


    Dr. Konrad Gunesch

    Dean, School of Liberal Arts and Humanities

    Woxsen University

    Mail: konrad.gunesch@woxsen.edu.in

  • Managing & Associate Editor


    Dr. Musarrat Shaheen

    Assistant Dean Research, SOB
    Woxsen University

    Mail: musarrat.shaheen@woxsen.edu.in

    Dr. Ravikant Kisana

    Associate Dean
    Woxsen University


    Dr Sri Venkata Narayana Pammi

    Associate Director,
    Woxsen University

  • Advisory Members


    Dr. Hemachandran Kannan

    Associate Dean – School of Business

    Woxsen University

    Dr. Syed Hasan Jafar

    Associate Dean - School of Business

    Woxsen University

    Dr. David J. Meyer

    Executive Dean - School of Business,
    Woxsen University

    Dr. Adity Saxena

    Dean - School of Arts & Design,
    Woxsen University

    Dr. Joshua R. Dalrymple

    Dean - School of Law,

    Woxsen University

    Dr. Daya Shankar

    Dean- School of Sciences,

    Woxsen University

    Dr. Peplluis Esteva de la Rosa

    Executive Dean - School of Technology,
    Woxsen University

    Ar. Sonia Gupta

    Dean - School of Architecture & Planning,
    Woxsen University

  • Associate Editors


    Dr. Nassir Ul HaqWani

    Kardan University, Afghanistan

    Dr. Swati Alok

    BITS Pilani, Hyderabad

    Dr. Souvik Banerjee

    Management Development Institute, Murshidabad

    Dr. Tumpa Dey

    Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad

    Dr. Anindo Bhattacharjee

    Organizational Behavior and Philosophy

    Prof. Sanjana Gupta

    Liberal Arts and Social Science

    Dr. Afazlur Rhaman

    Finance & Accounting

    Dr. Saradhi G

    Marketing and Strategy

    Dr. Nehal Ahmad Nadwi

    Corporate Governance and Law

    Dr. M Yousuf Malik

    Political Science and Economics

    Dr Sazzad Parwez

     Economics and Social Science

  • Journal Reviewers


    Dr. Pratiksha Jha

    Galgotias University, India

    Dr Ahmad Shadab Khan

    Jamia Millia Islamia, India

    Dr. Shujaat Naeem Azmi

    Ala-Too International University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

    Dr. Sayed Mohammad Minhaj Ud Din

    Jamia Millia Islamia, India

Forthcoming And Online First Articles

  • The Effect of Political Transnationalism: How the Diasporas Influence Homeland Politics


    Dinesh Chand,Email, Tmail Xhoana Dishnica, Mohamed Hassan Abdilahi, & Eugene Tetteh-Kwasi Aryee


    The purpose of this paper is to understand the impact of migrant's influence on the homeland politics. The paper highlights the connection of migrants and diaspora to the homeland, which significantly impacts the homeland's political process. It brings various instrumental mechanisms and tactics by which diaspora impacts homeland politics. Two cases of transnational politics provide a social and theoretical implication of transmigration political impact. The case and content analysis methods were used to study the phenomena. Applied case studies were used for the comparative analysis of the two countries' migration. Media dialogue and the lived experience of the diaspora and transmigration process have been considered. The main findings pertain to the nation-states that have tried to bring new policies to engage and leverage the diasporas with their homelands. Their contribution to homeland politics has been recognised, and the state has given them a provision of dual citizenship and voting rights. Diasporas have also facilitated their engagement and support through political remittances and sharing political ideas and practices with their friends and family. The paper has implications for diaspora studies, especially in the context of homeland politics by the diaspora and state expectations. The migration study also provides a guideline for policy formation within the home state. The paper contributes to the importance of diaspora knowledge and homeland policies, which help in a better political system.

    Keywords: Homeland, political remittances, diaspora, transnational politics and state.

  • The Science of Mindfulness-Based Interventions and Positive Health Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors


    Suantak Demkhosei Vaiphei, School of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Woxsen University

    The characteristic of mindfulness-based interventions is to foster greater mindfulness with awareness of one’s present-moment experience through an open lens of equanimity and acceptance. Mindfulness is a psychological trait, a state of cultivating awareness through mindfulness meditation and psychological processes. Although mindfulness elements have immense contributions to clinical symptom reduction for positive life functioning, they still lack clarity in their implementation on positive human functioning. Thus, the current study is formed to understand the association between mindfulness interventions that can positively influence biopsychosocial and disease-pathogenic processes among 120 participants. The study found that

    prevalence of clinical distressing symptoms in oncological settings rises from 30% to 57%, and 47% to 55% of survivor patients reported the presence of psychosocial distressing symptoms. MBIs offer cancer survivors a greater sense of self-control and acceptance of their real-life circumstances, which leads to finding meaning in suffering. Mindfulness intervention is associated with reducing the severity of anxiety in adult cancer survivors and a concomitant reduction in the severity of depression and improvement in health-related quality of life, ranging from 45% to 57%.

    Keywords: mindfulness, interventions, psychosocial distressing symptoms.

  • Leadership Efficacy in Crisis Resolution: A Study with Reference to Charismatic and Empathetic Leadership Behaviour


    Rajkumar Guntuku, Kasi Viswanadh, Iram Nadeem, Jasmitha Tunga, Sumanth P

    During the turbulent times of crisis, it is necessary to have a competent leader to handle uncertain situations and facilitate recovery among employees of the organization. This paper explores the importance of efficient leadership in crisis management, and specifically focuses on the essential skills and attributes that successful executives should possess to, and specifically focuses on the essential skills and attributes that successful executives should possess to guide their teams through tough times. The analysis also includes guide their teams through aspects of leadership which involves issues such as how managers cope with stress, ambiguity, and uncertainty in building team resilience in the world of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). It goes further into Interpersonal dynamics with emphasis on teamwork, empathy, communication fostering trust as well as preserving unity during crisis periods. Here, the researcher predominantly emphasised on how charismatic leadership style and empathetic leadership style influence their cognitive dissonance and generate feel and action towards managing a crisis situation. This paper also looks at strategic parts of leadership that are critical qualities, abilities and behaviours needed by leaders for navigating through complicated situations like decision-making under pressure; communication; transparency. Few words of compassion, understanding feeling and emotions of others certainly minimize the level of uncertainty. The examination also considers various leadership styles used, communicative strategies employed and decision-making processes that take place during outcome for crisis resolution by focusing on Adaptability; building of teams/empowerment; as well as strategic agility. Further findings reveal that an internal cohesion, external stakeholder relationships, and effective messaging, showing empathy, addressing the concerns and acknowledging the issues are often considered to be the mechanism of managing the crisis situation.

    Keywords: leadership, crisis, communication, decision making, empathy, efficacy

  • Critical Analysis of Employee Job Satisfaction and Motivation in Retail Industry: Exploring Facets and Implementing Strategies


    Rajkumar Guntuku, Nitesh Bakew, Ernest Sundar Daniel D, Sai Raghuram E

    Considering the latest technological advancements in the era of industry 4.0, the need for and value of human capital remains constant. Innovations in digital transformation have shattered the dreams of business decision makers with the rise in complexity and cumbersome business flow in the business sphere, after all, technology cannot build relations and understanding which is quintessential for a thriving business. Thus, the need for efficient human resource management is indispensable. The employees tend to come up with numerous initiatives and is motivated to better

    his performance with the ultimate goal of climbing the corporate ladder. Thus, managers tend to employ numerous tactics and techniques to keep an employee motivated and satisfied which has a direct impact on the employee’s performance, with monetary incentives and small perks being the most used tools. This Research aims to thoroughly understand the level of motivation and satisfaction of employees in the retail industry. The authors try to comprehend the importance of job satisfaction for an employee and what are the measures and strategies that are being employed by managers to keep their employees motivated and satisfied and most importantly how effective and efficient are these strategies. In this research the authors formulated three models in relevance to impact of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors on job satisfaction. The research findings are drawn out of few studies conducted by scholars in retail sector. The overall findings infer that the employees are satisfied with employer-employee relationship, freedom to work, store environment and word of encouragement and support from supervisors. The only variable needs attention and to be reviewed timely basis is the compensation practices.

    Keywords: employee motivation, job satisfaction, incentives, compensation.

  • Book Review: “The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal by Gurcharan Das”, Publisher: Speaking Tiger


    David.M.Norris, Catholic College Wodonga, Victoria, Australia

    Gurcharan Das' "The Dilemma of an Indian Liberal" (2024) offers a thought-provoking exploration of the challenges faced by those who embrace liberal values in contemporary India. The book is structured as a series of essays, each tackling a different facet of the liberal predicament in India. One of the book's strengths lies in Das' nuanced analysis of economic liberalisation in India. Throughout the work, Das emphasises the importance of institutions in safeguarding liberal democracy. One of the book's most intriguing aspects is Das' discussion of the role of religion in public life. The work is particularly relevant in the current political climate, where questions of individual rights, economic policy, and national identity are at the forefront of public debate.

    Keywords: Gurcharan Das, Liberalism, India, democracy, economy, religion.

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