Woxsen University's School of Technology (SoT), is known for its disruptive engineering programs that provide a robust platform for learners to power through change and embrace emerging technology. With its New-Age Engineering Programs, the school is leading a new paradigm in education that has adaptability and resilience at its core. The University aims to enable engineers with relevant knowledge, skills, and ability to tackle unprecedented challenges and opportunities presented by the rapidly changing industrial landscape and innovation in technology.
From Data Science, Artificial Intelligence to Blockchain, IoT, Cybersecurity & Electronics & Communication, the school offers new-age specializations to prepare today’s engineers who are not just highly skilled but are also industry-ready, making Woxsen one of the Top Engineering Colleges in Telangana.
The cutting-edge programs are meticulously structured to make students professionally viable and capable of bringing path-breaking innovations. This is made possible by including the study and usage of emerging technology as part of their curriculum, as well as constant upgrading of the programs to stay relevant to current times and future tech.
As one of the seven constituent schools of Woxsen University, School of Technology (SoT) is committed to upholding and advancing the university's unwavering Vision and Mission. Know More
School of Technology (SoT) at Woxsen University aims to provide students with domain knowledge and skill set required to advance innovation and prepare for prominent careers in a rapidly changing engineering and tech world.
It is required that the 21st-century engineers stay apprised with the cutting-edge technologies to develop and deliver solutions to the world’s biggest technical challenges. Bachelor of Technology is a professional degree awarded by Woxsen University covering the entire spectrum of new-age specializations, While the Ph.D. program focuses on in-depth research and domain expertise. Every element of the curriculum is carefully curated with inputs from industry professionals. Real-time projects and assignments that have immense applications in real-world industry scenarios, help you fast-track your career effortlessly.
Undergraduate (UG)
-Doctoral (Ph.D.)
+Woxsen’s illustrious faculty comprises some of the most renowned scholars and experts from the world’s leading global institutions who put Woxsen among the top engineering colleges in Hyderabad.
MBA, University of Girona
PhD of Informatics (AI), Autonomous University of Barcelona
Specializations: Blockchain, intelligent agents, virtual currencies, digital preservation, and their applications.
Jose Luis de la Rosa Esteva (2024), EP 4 404 124 A1 - Method and device for creating trustworthy agreements between different network nodes of a blockchain network to compensate for digital assets.
Josep Lluis de la Rosa and Andres el-Fakdi, Method, system and computer programs for value preservation of digital assets of a distributed computing platform (CADO).
Josep Lluis de la Rosa, Andres el-Fakdi, and Victor Muñoz, Method, system and computer programs for value preservation of digital assets among members of a distributed computing platform (Entangled Tokens)
Josep Lluis de la Rosa, Viktor Nordström, and Victor Muñoz: A Computer-Implemented Method, a System, and Computer Programs for Digital Files Management and Preservation in Digital Licenses
Esteva, Peplluis R., Andrés El-Fakdi, and Alberto Ballesteros-Rodríguez. (2023) Invoice Discounting Using Kelly Criterion by Automated Market Makers-like Implementations.
El-Fakdi A, de la Rosa JL., Evaluating Auction Mechanisms for the Preservation of Cost-Aware Digital Objects under Constrained Digital Preservation Budgets.
Josep Lluis de la Rosa (2021) Potential Sources of IoV Systemic Risk.
Josep Lluis de la Rosa (2020) Rewarding Recycling Plastic Proof of Concept with Tokenization and Smart Contracts in Alastria
Centre of Blockchain of Catalonia (CBCat.io)
Association of Artificial Intelligence Catalonia
Entrepreneurship, CTO, Product Owner, R+D Project Mgt, Blockchain, DLT, DeFi, Tokenization
Mechanical Engineering with specialization in robotics from VRCE, Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj, Nagpur; University, India; Post Graduate research diploma from University of Hull
PhD from University of Hull
The goal of the research project is to use mechanical engineering
tools to solve medical problems that is to measure, design, analyze and
manufacture a laboratory lumbar spine and intervertebral disc with artificial
muscles providing motion that can be used for spinal instrumentation.
Swamy A and Swamy A (2012), Dorsal approach for dorsal complex metacarpophalangeal
• Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering membership – id: 94523855 (Unto 12/2025)
• American Society of Mechanical Engineering Professional Membership – id: 2211880 (Unto 12/2024)
• American Society for engineering Education Professional Online membership – id: 190380 (142201) (Unto 12/2024)
M.Tech, JNTUH,
Computer Networks & Information Security
Using Deep Learning for Malware Detection, Using AI for Securing IOT Devices, Using AI & Deep Learning for Self-Driving Cars.
1. https://www.jatit.org/volumes/Vol101No21/10Vol101No21.pdf
2. https://jazindia.com/index.php/jaz/article/view/1985
Courses Taught:
Python, Java, C, Full Stack Development, Web Technologies, Linux Programming
M.Tech in Information Technology - Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Campus, Hyderabad; M.S in Computer Science & Engineering with the specialization in Artificial Intelligence from Rovira i Virgili University; Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Rovira I Virgili University
Artificial Intelligence, Multi agent systems, Swarm robotics, Swarm Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Analytics, Machine Learning. Soft computing and Nature Code.
1. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7347787.
2. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Purushotham-Muniganti
Ph.D English and Comparative Literature- Translation Studies; M.Phil English and Comparative Literature; M.A. English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature; Communication Skills; Translation Studies
Revolves around the Intricate Interactions between Culture, Language and Translation Studies with an emphasis on the significance of context in translation
1. “Relevance Theory (RT) as a Communicative Paradigm: The Gospel According To John In Translation” in Think India (Quarterly Journal), October 2019, Vol.22, Special Issue (7), 92-100. ISSN 0971-1260
2. “Translation as Interpretations: English Bible Translations” in REYONO Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, January 2019, Vol.8, Issue (1), 36-48. ISSN 2277-7652
3. “Translating The Gospel According to John: Dimensions of Space and Culture” in Translation Today, by National Translation Mission, Dec 2018, Vol.12, Issue (2),63-82. ISSN 0972 8740
4. “Context in Translation: A Comparative Assessment of KJV and TEV translations of the Bible’ in Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science, November 2018, Vol.3, Issue (2), 102-107. E-ISSN : 2456-5571
5. “Translating The Gospel According to John: Challenges and Opportunities in Journal in New Man International Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, Feb 2018: Vol.5, Issue (1), 179-183. ISSN: 2348-1390
Courses Taught:
Business Communication, Communication Skills, English Language and English Literature
ELTAI (English Language Teachers Association of India)
Master of Science (MS) ; MBA from Stuart School of Business, IIT; PhD (in progress) from XLRI,
Consulting Experience, Banking and Financial Services, Investment Banking, Digital Transformation, Product Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Strategy Management, Risk Management, Change Management, Agile Project and Portfolio Management, Experience in establishing Centers of Excellences (CoEs) in AI/ML, Big Data Analytics, Blockchain and Cloud Computing.
Industry Experience:
25 years.
Hyderabad FinTech Forum
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow to Kyoto University, Japan [2011-2013]; PhD in Indian History from Jawaharlal Nehru University; M.Phil in Economic History of India from Sambalpur University; MA in History with Indian Culture Specialization from Sambalpur University;
South Asian Studies, Indian History, Global and Legal History, Cultural Anthropology
State Formation, Question of Legitimation, Social Transformation, Vernacular Language Policy, Politics of Identity, Tribal Studies and History of Princely State
1. Mishra, B. (2015) Kingdom at the Crossroads: Geopolitics of the Khurda Kingdom in Early Modern Orissa, Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol.3 (01), 2015, pp.1-14, Lahore. ISSN 2307-4000.
2. Mishra, B. (2014) State Formation in Early Modern Orissa: Ecology and Geopolitics in Sambalpur Kingdom, Journal of South Asian Studies, Vol.20-2, 2014, pp.163-196, Seoul. ISSN 1598-1061
3. Mishra, B. (2012) Processes of Legitimacy: The Case of Khurda, Orissa, Exploring History, Vol.3,No- 1, January-June, 2012 pp.52-63 P.G College Malda, West Bengal. ISSN 2230-8490 [UGC CARE]
4.Mishra, B. (2012) Fabled Orissa: A Critique, Journal of North East India Studies, Vol. 2, No. 1, Jan.- Jun.2012, pp.76-80. ISSN 2277-6869 http://www.jneis.com/ojs/index.php/jneis/article/view/25/24
5. Mishra, B. (2012) Social Structure Of Western Orissa Under The Chauhans Of Sambalpur, Journal of History & Social Sciences, Vol. III, Issue. I, January-June, 2012, Allahabad. ISSN 2229-5798. P.1 jhss.org/archivearticle.php?vol=Vol%204
• Chair Holder of Prof. Dipesh Chakrabarty History Chair at Woxsen University, Hyderabad
• Co-Chairperson-Centre of Excellence-South Asian Studies, Woxsen University, Hyderabad.
• Editorial Board Member, Puducherry World History Congress [PWHC]
• Affiliated as an academic collaborator at the Marginalized and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) at University College Cork, Ireland.
Courses Taught:
World Civilization, Modern Europe, Internal Relation, Indian History, Research Methodology
Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Thin Films, Nanotechnology, Energy Harvesting, Optoelectronic Devices and Biomedical Applications
1. https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=58838934400
Courses Taught:
Engineering Physics, Nano Materials and Technology, Advanced Functional Materials Principles of Electrical and Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. Marketing Management, University of Pune; MBA Biotechnology Marketing, University of Pune; MSc Biotechnology, University of Pune
Marketing Management, Marketing Strategy, Sales Management, Data Analytics and Visualization
Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, International Business
Courses Taught:
Marketing Analytics, B2B Marketing
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engg., MNIT, Jaipur, Master's in Automotive Engg., Coventry University, UK
Advanced Manufacturing Processes, CAD/CAM, Sustainable Finishing, Robotics, Automobile Engines
Sustainable Processing, Design & Optimization of F1 student sports car, Variable Part Programming.
Courses Taught:
Design Analysis of Algorithms, Intelligent Machines, Software Engineering, Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning Deep Learning
1. Swarm Intelligence in Action: Particle Swarm Optimization and Rendezvous Algorithms for Swarm Robotics https://doi.org/10.1002/rob.22466
2. Experimental investigations into magnetic-assisted vacuumized abrasive finishing setup for finishing internal surfaces https://doi.org/10.1142/S2737599424400176
3. Medical Imaging and Analysis of Thermal Necrosis During Bone Grinding: Implementation of Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-III) in Healthcare http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/0115734056284074231222042746
4. Investigation and enhancement of mechanical properties of SS-316 weldment using TiO2-SiO2-Al2O3 hybrid flux, Int J Interact Des Manuf , 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-023-01198-8. (ESCI-0.43) https://doi.org/10.1007/s12008-023-01198-8
5. Mechanical Test on Aluminum Alloy with Maximum Soluble SiC Reinforcement”, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Hindawi, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/9848928. (SCI-0.4)
IEEE Member; IEI Life time member
PhD in Electrical, DIT University, Dehradun; M. Tech in Power Electronics, JNTU, Hyderabad; B. Tech in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, JNTU, Hyderabad
Power Electronics & Drives, Renewable Energy - Solar PV System
Mitigation of Solar PV power generation fluctuations using energy storage device, Supercapacitor Energy Storage System
1. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphy.2021.690588/full;
2. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/WJE-08-2021-0468/full/html;
3. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/WJE-02-2023-0039/full/html
Courses Taught:
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, CTAE, MPUAT, Rajasthan, Master's in Instrumentation & Control, NITTTR, Chandigarh
Power System
Energy Storage, Demand Side Management, Electric Vehicle Integration, Integration of Distributed Energy Resources, Smart Grid
1. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-10-0129-1_63,
2. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9183349,
Courses Taught:
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Internet of Things
Ph.D. (Submitted, waiting for Viva) from Department of English & Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, MA English from MG University, UGC NET
English Language and Literature, Cultural Studies, English Language Teaching
Modernity Studies, Digital Humanities
1. https://doi.org/10.18848/2327-008X/CGP/v18i02/131-151,
2. https://journals.eltai.in/index.php/jelt/article/view/JELT580502
Courses Taught:
Business Communication, Communication Skills, English Language and English Literature
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering (Instrumentation and Control)
Biomedical Instrumentation, Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and Robotics
1. https://doi.org/10.1080/09720502.2020.1721709
2. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICMIRA.2013.65
3. Pages 214-233 ISSN 0976-6499
Courses Taught:
Renewable Energy, ROS, Smart Materials and Structures, and Microprocessor, Microcontrollers, and its Applications
Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering(Submitted) ; MBA in Finance
Surface coatings; Magnetron sputtering; Metal matrix composites; Nanoindentation; Atomic Force Microscopy; Drop Shape Analysis, X-Ray diffraction.
1. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166802
2. https://doi.org/10.1116/6.0003022
3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-023-08894-2
Courses Taught:
At woxsen: Manufacturing Science and Technology
Sociolinguitics (Linguistics & Phonetics)
Rhetoric, Discourse analysis, Pragmatics, Language and Disocurse
Jahnavi Sanskrit Journal (ISSN 0976-8645) : Passing through transition time phase our India needs that the vacuum between our traditional root value, heritage and modern young generation must be covered. This site is an attempt to create a place, from where you can find all the important e-resource regarding Sanskrit. (jahnavisanskritejournal.in)
AI,Machine Learning , Deep Learning, Networks, Sensors
Courses Taught:
Computer Organization, Operating Systems
IOT-ML, Spatio-temporal prediction fusing graphs and inherent physics, Applied Block Chain technology, Claimate prediction with AI.
Social Network Analytics, Big Data, AI/ML, Text Mining
Social Network Analytics, Big Data, AI/ML, Text Mining
Ph.D (ongoing ) | M.Tech CSE ( specialization in Information Security) | B.Tech Information Technology
Teaching Interest:
Information Security Foundation, Cryptography, Malware Analysis, Computer security Audit and Assurance, Cloud Security, Multimedia Security, Cryptosystems, Blockchain, Cyber attacks Detection and prevention systems, Python.
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering; Registered Professional Engineer (COREN)
Teaching Interest:
Biomass Energy Conversion, Material Characterization, Mechanical Engineering Design, Modelling and Simulation
PG Diploma in AIML;
Post Doctoral from Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA
Computer Science and Engineering (IoT, Networks,Cloud Computing, Fog and Edge Computing and AIML)
• 'Enhanced Network Connectivity with Deep Learning Enabled Privacy Preserving Mechanism for Cluster based Internet of Things" has been successfully submitted and is being delivered to the Editorial Office of International Journal of Intelligent Systems for consideration.(SCIE JOURNAL)
• 1)Internet of things and wearables-enabled Alzheimer detection and classification model using stacked sparse autoencoder” Wearable Telemedicine Technology for the healthcare Industry 2022, Pages 153-168 January 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-32385854-0.00012-5 (Scopus indexed book chapter)
• “DCMM: A Data Capture and Risk Management for Wireless Sensing Using IoT Platform”, Human Communication Technology: Internet of Robotic Things and Ubiquitous Computing, Wiley,01 November 2021, https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119752165.ch16 (Scopus indexed book chapter)
• “Multi-layer perceptron's neural network with optimization algorithm for greenhouse gas forecasting systems”. Environmental Challenges-Elsevier, Volume 11, April 2023, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envc.2023.100708 (SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
• “A Gradient Boosted Decision Tree with Binary Spotted Hyena Optimizer for cardiovascular disease detection and classification” Healthcare AnalyticsElsevier , Volume 3, pp. 1-11 April 2023, 10017 ,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.health.2023.100173(SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
• Road Identification Through Efficient Edge Segmentation Based on Morphological Operations” Traitement du Signal . Oct 2021, Vol. 38 Issue 5, p1503-1508. 6p. DOI:10.18280/ts.380526 (SCIE & SCOPUS Indexed Journal).
1)The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)-LM 126060
2)Indian Computer Science and Engineering Society (ICSES) - (Member Id-4043)
3)Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors -Senior Member (UACEE)-SNM10100059470
4)Data Science Association USA
5)Italian Association for Machine Learning (Member Id-1371)
6)International Association of Engineers (IAENG)- (Member Id-223868)
7)Institute of scholars, professional member id: InSc20200311
8)Fellow Member of Eudoxia Research University (FMERU)
9)International Association of Research and Developed Organization (IARDO)
BTECH from Musaliar College of Engineering and Technology; MTECH from TKM Institute of Technology; PhD from Presidency University Bangalore
Computer Science and Engineering, Artificial Intelligence ,Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Multicriteria Decision Making
Thasni T, C Kalaiarasan, K A Venkatesh,” Cloud Service Provider Selection using Fuzzy Data Envelopment Analysis based on SMI Attributes”, International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications (IJFSA), IGI Global Publishers, Scopus and SCI, Volume 11(4),2022.
Thasni T, C Kalaiarasan, K A Venkatesh, “Cloud Provider Selection Based on Accountability and Security Using Interval-Valued Fuzzy TOPSIS”, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology (IJDSST), IGI Global, SCI and Scopus Indexed, Volume 14(1),2022
Thasni T, C Kalaiarasan, K A Venkatesh ,"SMI Attributes: Key role in business as a service in Cloud", Inder Science Publishers -International Journal of Intelligence and Sustainable Computing (IJISC) ,H Index -17, 2021,ISSN 2517-7648, Vol.1 No.2, pp.194 – 2021
CSIR Life Member, IEEE
B.Sc. (Computer Science) from Osmania University;
M.C.A. (Master of Computer Applications) from Osmania University;
PhD from B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science & Technology
Feature Selection/Feature Engineering Models, Machine Learning, Data Mining, Predictive Modeling, Deep Learning, Big Data
Nature Scientific Reports, IEEE, Elsevier, Springer, IGI
1. Novel Feature Reduction (NFR) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Effective Disease Risk Prediction
2. Advanced hybrid ensemble gain ratio feature selection model using machine learning for enhanced disease risk prediction
3. Ensemble Gain Ratio Feature Selection (EGFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction
4. Bio inspired Ensemble Feature Selection (BEFS) Model with Machine Learning and Data Mining Algorithms for Disease Risk Prediction
B.Tech from Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak / Lingayas Institute of Management and Technology; M.Tech from IIT Bombay; PhD from Incheon National University - South Korea
Resistive random Access Memory (RRAM); Binary Neural Network; Semiconductor Process Technology, Microfabrication; Thin film fabrication and technology; MOSFET; 2D materials; Sensors; Physical and chemical characterization of thin films
1. A. Kumar, M. Krishnaiah, J. Park, D. Mishra, B. Dash, H.-B. Jo, G. Lee, S. Youn, H. Kim, S. H. Jin, Multibit, Lead-Free Cs2SnI6 Resistive Random Access Memory with Self-Compliance for Improved Accuracy in Binary Neural Network Application. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2310780. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202310780
2. Ajit Kumar, Mokurala Krishnaiah, Dhananjay Mishra, Hyeonbin Jo, Sung Hun Jin, Role of IGZO thickness for oxygen reservoir control in stacked IGZO/ZrOx layers: Towards reliable, uniform performance of flexible random-access memories, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 922, 2022, 166199, ISSN 0925-8388, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.166199.
3. M. Krishnaiah, S. Kim, A. Kumar, D. Mishra, S. G. Seo, S. H. Jin, Physically Detachable and Operationally Stable Cs2SnI6 Photodetector Arrays Integrated with µ-LEDs for Broadband Flexible Optical Systems. Adv. Mater. 2022, 34, 2109673. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202109673
B.Tech In Electronics And Communication Engineering; M.Tech In VLSI Design from Amrita School Of Engineering; Phd from Amrita School of Engineering
Wireless Energy Harvesting for Advanced 5G and 6G Communications, Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Wireless Communications and Bio Signal Processing, VLSI Systems for Signal Processing
Senior Member IEEE (SMIEEE), Fellow of IETE (FIETE), and Life Member of ISTE (LMISTE)
1. Karthika M S, Harikumar Rajaguru, Ajin R. Nair, "Performance Enhancement of Classifiers Through Bio Inspired Feature Selection Methods for Early Detection of Lung Cancer from Microarray Genes", Heliyon,
2. 'Ajin, R Nair, Harikumar Rajaguru, Karthika M S, Keerthivasan, "Metaheuristic integrated machine learning classification of colon cancer using STFT LASSO and EHO feature extraction from microarray gene expressions". Scientific Reports, Springer Nature, Vol.14, 16485 (2024).
3. Karthika M S, Harikumar Rajaguru, Ajin R. Nair, "Wavelet feature extraction and bio-inspired feature selection for the prognosis of lung cancer − A statistical framework analysis", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Elsevier, Vol.238,115330,ISSN 0263-2241, doi:
B.Tech from BPUT ; M.Tech from BPUT ; PhD (in progress) National Institute of Technology
6G, IoT, URLLC, Cooperative Communication, Wireless communication, Signal Processing, Machine Learning.
1. A. Pradhan, S. Das, and M. J. Piran, "Blocklength Optimization and Power Allocation for Energy-Efficient and Secure URLLC in Industrial IoT," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3324379.
2. A. Pradhan, S. Das, M. J. Piran, and Z. Han, "A Survey on Security of Ultra/Hyper Reliable Low Latency Communication: Recent Advancements, Challenges, and Future Directions," in IEEE Access, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3429285.
3. A. Pradhan, S. Das, G. R. Mati, and A. Oscar Xalxo, "Deep Learning-based LOS/NLOS Classification for Reliable Communication in Industrial IoT," 2024 IEEE 9th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Pune, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT61223.2024.10543298.
• Member, IEEE.
• Life Member, Institution of Electronics and Telecom Engineers (IETE), India.
• Life Member, Indian Society of Technical Education(ISTE), India.
• Introduction to Quantum Computing, Quantum Algorithms and Qiskit, NPTEL, IIT Madras, IBM
• Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization, Coursera, Credential ID: 42AE783TGA6Z
Since its inception in 2014, Woxsen University has established over 120+ partnerships with the world’s leading universities and institutions across 50+ countries. These collaborations help our students and faculty pursue a wide range of international opportunities including student exchange, progressive studies along with teaching and research opportunities.
Woxsen University regularly organises a diverse array of conferences, seminars and lectures that enable our students to come together, discuss wide-ranging topics and gain a holistic perspective on various intellectually stimulating subjects.
My First Billion, Unicorn Calling, Woxsen Leadership and Dean’s Lecture series are initiatives that help our students engage with and learn from accomplished thought leaders and industry experts through active dialogue and discourse.
These engagements not only help our students build a solid multidisciplinary understanding of diverse subjects but also aid in developing critical perspectives on diverse issues.
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