The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has catapulted the Indian Education system into a new direction. The emphasis has now shifted to creating future thought leaders by laying the groundwork for developing interwoven critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity.
Ranked among the best Liberal Arts Colleges in Hyderabad and Telangana, Woxsen School of Liberal Arts & Humanities is committed to the free and open pursuit of knowledge and offers students a multifaceted perspective on the world. The multidisciplinary curriculum and innovative pedagogy aim to instil in students the ability to effectively communicate, gather and analyze data, derive viable insights from such data, work in teams, and solve problems.
Students at Woxsen will not only find their niche, but will also learn to apply the synergies gained from a multidisciplinary education to the advancement of their immediate community and even the world at large. These exclusive attributes make Woxsen School of Liberal Arts and Humanities stand among the best liberal arts colleges in India.
The Woxsen School of Liberal Arts & Humanities is ranked among the top Humanities Colleges in Hyderabad and has been established to provide a platform for the curious-minded, explorers and change-makers.
BA (Hons.) at Woxsen aims to develop future leaders and change-makers with the ability to think critically, read discerningly, write persuasively, and be aware of the impact of one's actions on society and the environment.
Students can tailor-make their BA (Hons.) degree by selecting three specialisations of their interests and passion out of eight exclusive specializations, that include - English, Economics, Political Science, Psychology, Journalism, Business Studies, History, Sociology & Anthropology.
Undergraduate (UG)
-The illustrious faculty at the Woxsen School of Liberal Arts & Humanities, Hyderabad includes of some of the most renowned scholars and experts from world’s leading global institutions.
Ph.D. in International Education and Linguistics
International Education, Applied Linguistics, International Law, International Politics
Comparative Literature in Cinematic Application; Art Appreciation in Literature, Media, and Film; Multilingualism in Science, Literature, and Film; Educational and Feminist Inspirations in Movies; International Education and Applied Linguistics; Cross-Cultural Communication and Competence; Cosmopolitanism and Personal Cultural Identity; Cultural and Macroeconomic Aspects of Tourism; Slow and Sustainable Global Travel and Tourism
27 publications address cosmopolitanism, internationalism or international education.
26 publications on art, literature, poetry, film, movies or Romanticism.
20 publications on multilingualism or language learning.
18 publications on sustainable tourism.
4 in Macroeconomics, Development Economics, and Environmental Economics.
3 Award-Winning Short Stories in International Creative Writing Competitions.
Courses Taught:
Master’s Level: Culture Diplomacy, Comparative Politics, World History, Intercultural Communication, Communication and Diplomacy, Introduction to Sociology, Introduction to International Relations, Theory of International Relations, Ethics and International Affairs, Environment and Climate Change, Politics of Sustainable Energy, Global Business.
Bachelor’s Level: Intercultural Communication, Tolerance and Diversity, Mass Communication Theory and Research, Public Opinion and Propaganda, Organizational Communication, Organizational Behavior, Negotiation and Conflict, Writing for Diplomacy, Public Speaking, Introduction to Political Science, Media Ethics, Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Global Governance and Social Responsibility, Ethical Studies, International Studies.
Area Chair - Media & Journalism
FPM- Communications - MICA.
Cultural Studies, Communications, Critical Ethnography
Critical Caste Studies, Urban Studies, Social inequality, Sociology of Education, Grassroots social movements, Digital Cultures.
1.Yes caste is important, (but)’: examining the knowledge-production assemblage of Dwij-Savarna scholarship as it invisibilises caste in the context of women’s prisons in India, Gender and Development, 31 (2-3), (2023)
2.Voices from the Beyond: Investigating Meo Muslim women’s empowerment through education in Nuh, India’s “most backward” district’, Gender and Education, 35 (6-7), (2023)
3. No one understands what we go through”: Narratives of ‘risk’ of women from the families of sanitation workers in Pune, India, during COVID-19’, Gender and Development 29(1) (2021)
Courses Taught:
Digital Media, Culture & Communication, Communication Theory, Media & the Self, Introduction to Cinema Theory
Ph.D. in Economics from School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, M.A, M.Phil.
Macroeconomics, Labour economics, Urban economics, and developmental economics.
Urban developmental issues, Developmental economics, Unorganized economy, and Macroeconomics.
1. Naveen , S (2024) “The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Sustainable Development Goals-2030, Journal of the Knowledge Economy (SCOPUS (Q2), UGC Care and ABDC)”. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Sustainable Development Goals-2030 | Journal of the Knowledge Economy (
2. Naveen, S (2016)Production and Marketing Network Chain of Brick Kiln Product Market: A Case Study of Hyderabad City in International Journal of Managing Value and Supply Chains (IJMVSC) 2016 Vol.7. No1 27-37 0976797-X(ONLINE);2230-7966(PRINT)
3. Naveen, S (2022) Urban Households' Access to Basic Amenities: Disparities in the distribution with Reference to Social Groups in Urban India journal (UGC Care) vol.42.2. ISNN 0970- 9045, page no. 128-140.
Courses Taught:
Principles of Economics, Public Finance, Mathematics for Economics, Microecnomics Pricing theories and Advanced Macroeconomics
Ph.D. and M. Phil. in Translation Studies, UoH, M.A. in English, University of Hyderabad
Trauma Studies, Translation Studies, Graphic Narratives, Indian Writing in English
Interactions between Trauma, Language and Translation Studies; Depiction of socio-politics, nationalism, and the subaltern in Indian graphic narratives
1. “Representation of History in the Indian Graphic Novel: An Analytical Study of History through the Frame of Graphic Narratives” in IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities, Volume 4, Issue 2, DOI: (December 2017).
2. “Translating Trauma Fiction: A Comparative Study of the Strategies and Challenges of Translating Trauma Fiction from Bengali to English” in New Horizons of Translation Research and Education 5, ISSN 2669-901X (Tampere Studies in Language, Translation and Literature, A2). (January 2020).
3. "Collaborative Writing Project in Virtual Environment: A Case Study" in Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation, Book Chapter, Scopus Indexed (Feb 2023)
Courses Taught:
Indian Writing in English, Critical Thinking, Communications, Irish Literature, Analytical Appreciation of Language
Ph.D. in Applied Psychology, University of Calcutta
Clinical & Forensic Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology, Creativity, Personality & Expressive Arts Therapy, Applied Social Psychology
Expressive Art Therapy, Personality Studies, Assistive technology in Education, Gender Psychology & LGBTQ Parenting, CMH
M.A. in Political Science, University of Hyderabad; M.Phil and PhD in Centre for the Study of Law and Governance, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi; M.A. in Public Administration (IGNOU)
Political Science, International Relations, Public Policy & Governance, Public Administration, Natural Resource Governance, Governance and Democratic Decentralisation.
Financial Inclusion Policy; Governance: Theory and Practice; Organizational Culture and Performance; Developmental State Theory; Women and Entrepreneurship; Microfinance and Poverty Alleviation.
1. Kolloju, Naveen et al., (2024), The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Sustainable Development Goals-2030, Journal of the Knowledge Economy, ( (SCOPUS (Q2), UGC Care and ABDC).
2.Kolloju, Naveen et al., (2022). Impact of Organizational Culture on Organizational Performance: A Study on employees in Educational Institutions, Business Systems Research, Sciendo, Vol. 13. No. (1). https://doi.10.2478/bsrj-2022-0009 (Web of Science and Scopus Indexed Journal). ISSN-No: 1847-9375. Scopus Q2.
3. Kolloju, Naveen et al., (2021). Coronavirus Disease 2019 and its Effects on Teaching and Learning Process in the Higher Educational Institutions, Higher Education for the Future, 8 (1), 90-107. https://doi.10.1177/2347631120983650. (Scopus Indexed Journal Q1 Ranking)
Courses Taught:
Western Political Thought, Indian Political Thought, Public Administration, Environmental Education
MA, MPhil and PhD in International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University
India, China and Russian foreign economic policies and global south role in international relations
Foreign policies of India, China, Russia, BRICS and International Organizations
1. Junuguru Srinivas (2022), 'Future of the BRICS and the role of Russia and China’, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-981-19-1114-9
2. Srinivas Junuguru, Naveen Kolloju, Akanksha, Naveen Sirman and Naresh Sudhaveni (2024), The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Sustainable Development Goals-2030, Journal of the Knowledge Economy (SCOPUS (Q2), UGC Care and ABDC-C):
3. Srinivas Junuguru (2019). ‘Modi’s Cultural Diplomacy and role of Indian Diaspora”, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, 13(2): 74-90. ISSN-1802-548x ( (SCOPUS)
Courses Taught:
Fundamentals of Political Science, Comparative Politics, Constitution of India, International relations, India's foreign policy in 21st century world politcs
B.A in Psychology, Sociology & Public Administration from Osmania University; M.A in Psychology from Osmania University; M.Phil in Clinical Psychology, Osmania University ; PhD from Osmania University
Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Positive Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Workplace Mental Health, Corporate and Academic Wellness Program development.
Life Member of the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP), Fellow Life Member of Clinical Psychology Society of India
1. Rathore, K. (2012). Annotated Bibliography on Community Mental Health. Hyderabad: ICSSR-SRC.
2. Rathore, K. (2015). Social Support and Mental Health among Working Mothers. Journal of Contemporary Psychological Research, 2(3), 37-42.
3. 'Rathore, K. (2020). Psychodiagnostics in Psychology. New Delhi: IGNOU. ISBN: 9788126655342 URI:
B.A in English from Nagarjuna University; MA in English Literature from Nagarjuna University; M.Phil in English Literature Cultural Studies from The English and Foreign Languages University; Ph.D. from The English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU)
Gender studies, Feminist Theories, Media and Visual Cultures, Sociology of Caste, Sociology of Gender, Sexualities and Queer Studies.
Member of Indian Association of Women's Studies
1. 'Nadamala,B, Tripathi,P, Gogu,S, Tamalapakula,S (2024), “Breaking Barriers, Forging Paths: A Conversation on Gender, Caste, and Sexuality", International Feminist Journal of Politics (IFJP), Taylor and Francis (Routledge group), 1466-4429 (print) 1466-4437(online) Vol.25 Issue no.2 pp.1-27 Impact factor: 0.970
2. Tamalapakula,S and Gogu, S (2023), “Culture, Spirituality and Catharsis in Balagam, Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) Vol.58, Issue no.31.pp.63-64.
3. 'Tamalapakula,S (2023). “Whatever Happened to Jogta and Jgtin?”: Marginalization Dalits in Lower Caste Religious Practices, in The Critical Philosophy of Race, Penn State University, Pennsylvania. Vol.8, No.2, p. (148-174)ISSN 2165-8684.
BA (Hons) in English & MA in English, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), and PhD, Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati.
English Literature, American Literature, Environmental Humanities, and Classical Indian Writings
Aesthetics, Ecoaesthetics, Ecocriticism, Indological Studies, Hindi Cinema, and Dramaturgy
1. P. K. Verma, and P. S. Dwivedi. “Re-Gestating the Eco-ethics of Rāmāyaṇa in Anthropocene: An Eco-aesthetical Approach.” Journal of Dharma, 48(1): 47-64, 2023. (Scopus & Web of Science)
2. P. K. Verma, and P. S. Dwivedi: “Dhanaṁjaya’s Conceptions of Dramatic Art and the Dramaturgy of Early Hindi Cinema.” Journal of Arts, 11 (3): 185-196, 2023. (UGC-Care List)
3. P. K. Verma, and P. S. Dwivedi. “Eco-Consciousness in Vālmīki-Rāmāyaṇa: An Aesthetical Study of Ecological Integrity and Diversity.” Shìdnij svìt/The World of the Orient, 4 (117): 221-234, 2022. (Scopus)
Courses Taught:
History of English Literature, Business Communication, Medieval and Shakespearean Literature, English for Communication
BSc Psychology - University of Calcutta; MSc Psychology - University of Calcutta; Ph.D. Psychology - University of Calcutta
Minority issues, Gender and Sexual minorities, Positive psychology, Consumer Behaviour and Social issues
Wellbeing and coming out related issues among LGBTIQA+ individuals in India
1. Mady, S., Biswas, D., Dadzie, C. A., Hill, R. P., & Paul, R. (2023). “A Whiter Shade of Pale”: Whiteness, Female Beauty Standards, and Ethical Engagement Across Three Cultures. Journal of International Marketing, 31(1) 69-89
2. Biswas, D., Chaudhuri, A., Mitra, N. & Roy Chaudhuri, H. (2022). Pride or Closet? Unpacking Experiences of Minority Stress, Coping, and Resistance Among Gender and Sexual Minorities in India. Journal of Homosexuality. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2022.2071662
3. Biswas, D., & Chaudhuri, A. (2018). Perks Of Coming Out Of A Closet: From The Perspective Of LGBTQ Individuals. Indian Journal of Health and Well-being. Vol-9(2), Pp-239-246
Courses Taught:
Existential dialogue, Reflective self, Responsible Leadership, Sports Psychology
1) Chand, Dinesh and Banerjee, Swati (2019). Exploring the Intersections of Gender, Caste and Space in the Lifeworld of Musahar Women in Uttar Pradesh, South Asian Journal of Participative Development, Vol-19 (1), 7-27, (Jan-June- 2019)
2) Chand, Dinesh and Banerjee, Swati (2019). Migration and Livings:A Livelihood strategy of Musahar Community of Uttar Pradesh, Journal of Social Work Education, Research and Action (SWERA), Vol-5(1), 33-50, (Jan-April) 2019
3) Chand, D. (2020) Migrant worker’s Livelihood and Marginality: State and Non-state Actor’s response to Pandemic Situation of COVID-19 in India, Migration and Diasporas: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 1(3), 72-102Published Book Chapter
Shaban, Abdul, Banerjee, Swati and Chand, Dinesh (2023). Exploring the Interface of Societal Inequities and Grassroots Solidarities as Drivers and Spaces of Social Innovation in South Asia in Fernandes Esteves, A.M., Henfrey, T., dos Santos, L.L., & Leal, L. (Eds.). (2023). Solidarity Economy: Alternative Spaces, Power and Politics (1st ed.). Routledge.
MA and Ph.D. in Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia. Cleared UGC-NET in Sociology.
Specialization :
Sociology of Environment, Sociology of Technology and Gender Studies.
Gender and Development, Social Change, Structural Inequality, Collective
Behaviour, Rural Development and Gender-Energy dynamics.
1. Economic Empowerment of Women in Rural India: Challenges and Prospects in Journal of Asiatic Society of Mumbai, 2021 ( UGC-CARE).
2. The role of women in Renewable Energy Development in Dogo Rangsang Research Journal, 2021 ( UGC-CARE).
3. The Intersection of Climate Change and Gendered Vulnerability in Ladakh: Issues and Challenges, 2024 ( UGC-CARE).
4. Language and Culture Preservation in Kargil: A Focus on the Balti Language in International Journal of Applied Social Sciences, 2023.
Course Taught :
Diversity and Social Exclusion, Contemporary Social Issues.
MA in English Language and Literature and Ph.D. in Indian and World Literatures
Fairy tale studies, Gender studies, and Film studies
Fairy tales, Films, and popular culture narratives
Teaching Interest:
World Literatures, Literary theory, and Academic writing
BA from University of Lucknow; M.A. in Ancient Indian History and Archaeology, University of Lucknow; M.Phil. and PhD in Centre for Gandhian Thought and Peace Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Teaching Interest:
Ancient Indian History, Modern Indian History, Modern Indian Thinkers, Social History, Caste, Class, Gender, and Indian Business History.
UP History Congress
• Jyotasana. (2024). [Review of the book M. K. Gandhi: Poorna Swaraj Constructive Programme: its Meaning and Place. By Dhananjay Rai]. National Identities/Taylor& Francis, DOI: (Scopus Q1)
• Jyotasana. (2024). [Review of the book Contested Representation: Dalits, Popular Hindi Cinema, and Public Sphere. By Dhananjay Rai]. Contemporary Voice of Dalit/Sage, DOI: (Scopus).
• Jyotasana. (2024). “Gender and Popular Culture: A Study on Representation of Women in Hindi Cinema”. Anhad Lok, ISSN: 2349-137X, January-June 2024, Special Issue 10, 69-75. (UGC CARE-Listed)
• Jyotasana. (2024). [Review of the book The Future in the Past: Essays & Reflections. By Romila Thapar]. History: The Journal of Historical Association / Wiley, DOI: (Scopus Q1).
• Jyotasana. (2023). “Gender Norms, Culture, Structural Violence: An Analysis of Devadasi System in India”. Anhad Lok, ISSN:2349-137X, July-December 2023, 18 (1), 321-327. (UGC CARE-Listed)
B.A. in Psychology from University of Calcutta; M.A. In Psychology from University of Calcutta; Ph.D. In Psychology (Ongoing) from University of Calcutta
Teaching Interest:
PhD in Public Policy(pending), University of Massachusetts Boston, USA; MS in Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA; MA in Economics, University of Hyderabad, India.
Fairy tale studies, Gender studies, and Film studies
Immigrant barriers in Labor market, Poverty and economic policy, Climate resilience policy, Discrimination& social policy, Transdisciplinary methods& Business Advocacy organizations.
1.Admankar, M. (2022). SENSing the Truth Amidst a Social and Environmental Crisis: Learnings and Contributions Towards Sustainable Development in South India. In: Indrawan, M., Luzar, J.B., Hanna, H., Mayer, T. (eds) Civic Engagement in Asia. Springer.
2.Admankar, M. (2022). Breaking Barriers to Build Black Wealth. Article, Massachusetts Business Roundtable, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
3.Admankar, M. (2022). Reflections on Civic Action Fellowship, Article, Massachusetts Business Roundtable, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Teaching Interest:
Development Economics, Public Policy, Financial Economics& Economics of Climate& Labour.
Ph.D., MPhil, MA and BA from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Fairy tales, Films, and popular culture narratives
1.La traducción al bangla del cuento de Julio Cortazar “La Noche Boca Arriba” del libro Final
2.Del Juego. Hispanic Horizon. No. 33. 2016. 206-213 (ISSN 0970-7522)
Teaching Interest:
Spanish Language, Foreign Language teaching, Cultural studies, Visual arts.
M.A, MPhil and PhD in Political Science, Centre for Political Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Fairy tale studies, Gender studies, and Film studies
Statehood and Marginalization, Social Inclusion & Public Policy, Political Dynamics
1.Raju, Chaketi. “Understanding Development of Two States: A Study of the Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh.” Gujarat National Law University’s Journal of Law, Development and Politics 9, no. 2 (October 2019): 126-137. ISSN No. 0975-0193.
2. Raju, Chaketi. “Education in Telangana: An In-depth Exploration of State Policies and their Implications.” Education India: A Quarterly Referred Journal of Dialogues on Education 13, no. 1 (February 2024): 1-21. ISSN No. 2278-2435.
3. Raju, Chaketi. “Does the Division of Districts Spur Inclusive Growth in Telangana?” Political Economy Journal of India 25, no. 3&4 (July-December 2016): 90-94. ISSN No. 0971-2097.
Teaching Interest:
Indian Polity and Constitution, State in India, Political Theory
Ph.D. (Economics)
Teaching Interest:
Microeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Development Economics, International Economics
ntegrated Master of Arts (Social Sciences) from The University of Hyderabad ; Integrated Master of Arts (Anthropology) from The University of Hyderabad ; M.Phil (Medical Anthropology) / Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad ; PhD (in progress) Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Medical Anthropology, Reproductive Health, Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Masculinity, Fluorosis and Disability
Boddu, V., & Narasimhan, H. (2023). Placating Kin: Rituals and Infertility. The Oriental Anthropologist, 23(1), 71-87
Boddu, Venkatesh (2017). Caregiving and care receiving: Everyday difficulties of living with endemic skeletal fluorosis in Telangana, South India. Café Dissensus on September 16, 2017.
Haripriya N, Venkatesh B, Mala R, Anuradha K, Prabhal S, and Sofi B. (2014). The best-laid plans: Access to the Rajiv Arogyasri Community Health Insurance Scheme of Andhra Pradesh. Health, Culture and Society. Vol.6, No.1, 85-97.
B.A. in Social Sciences from Tata Institute of Social Sciences ; M.A. in Women's Studies from Tata Institute of Social Sciences ; PhD in progress from Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany and University of Groningen,
Anthropology of indigenous knowledge traditions and food systems, gender studies, folk music
Woxsen University regularly organises a diverse array of conferences, seminars and lectures that enable our students to come together, discuss wide-ranging topics and gain a holistic perspective on various intellectually stimulating subjects.
My First Billion, Unicorn Calling, Woxsen Leadership and Dean’s Lecture series are initiatives that help our students engage with and learn from accomplished thought leaders and industry experts through active dialogue and discourse.
These engagements not only help our students build a solid multidisciplinary understanding of diverse subjects but also aid in developing critical perspectives on diverse issues.
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