
Prof. Margaret Bishop-Adjunct Professor, Parsons School of Design during FTSC conference

Nov 24, 2023

FTSC 2023, an International Conference on Fashion as a Tool for Social Change, presented by Woxsen University's Department of Fashion Design, brought together global delegates to explore the profound intersections of fashion, culture, and social progress.
Day 1, commenced with a series of insightful keynote speeches. Prof. Margaret Bishop, Adjunct Professor of Strategic Management at Parsons School of Design - The New School, USA, delivered a thought-provoking keynote on "The role of fashion in promoting environmental sustainability." Nitin Kapoor, CEO and Co-Founder of Iba Crafts, followed with insights on "Fashion Technology & Sustainability." Dr. Stephen C. Patton, Director of South Asia at FinTech, delivered the third keynote, presenting "Couture Cognition: Cracking the Code of Informed Fashion."

The day included a panel discussion on "Diversity and Inclusion in the Fashion Industry," moderated by Prof. Sanjay Guria, featuring esteemed panelists Prof. Margaret Bishop, Mr. Nitin Kapoor, Dr. Stephen C. Patton, Prof. Mr. Puneesh Lamba, Mr. Gaurav Logishetty, and Mr. Munwar Khan.

Day 2, delved into crucial topics with a focus on marginalized communities in fashion. The panel discussion on "The representation of marginalized communities in fashion," moderated by Prof. Anthima Ram, featured panelists Sai Janani C S, Shravanthi Polavarapu, Gopika N Sasi, Manjari Srikanth, and Poshitha Rajeswari. An interactive session from COE Yogic Studies, initiated by Prof. Vishakha Rao, provided valuable insights into "Holism in Fashion Education - Self-preservation and Inclusion."

The conference concluded on a high note with the release of Mr. Puneesh Lamba's book, "Disruptive Siege - A Guide to using digital tech for disrupting business models." Puneesh Lamba, current CTO at Shahi Exports, author, and Stanford Seed consultant, offered a comprehensive guide for leveraging digital technology to disrupt traditional business models, particularly in the luxury retail sector.

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