
Collaboration for Innovation and Entrepreneurship within the Biotechnology Sector | Trade Tower and Mabgenex India Pvt. Ltd.

Jul 30, 2023

Woxsen University is thrilled to unveil the partnership between the School of Sciences (SoS) at Woxsen University, Trade Tower-WOU, and Mabgenex India Pvt. Ltd. This collaboration aims to create a collaborative environment that fosters excellence in Learning, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship within the Biotechnology Sector.

Mabgenex India Pvt. Ltd. is a pioneering company in the biotechnology sector, specializing in biologics to address unmet needs in therapeutics and diagnostics. By integrating biology with machine learning, the company replicates, to some extent, the intricate process of selecting antigen-specific antibodies. This innovative approach leads to the development of highly specific and sensitive antibodies.

Collectively, we eagerly anticipate shaping the future of biotechnology and making significant contributions to advancing healthcare, industry, and beyon

Student incubation center Mabgenex India Pvt. Ltd.
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