The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 has catapulted the Indian Education system into a new direction. The focus has now evolved towards creating future thought leaders, job creators by laying the groundwork for developing inter-woven capabilities of critical thinking, problem solving and creativity.
School of Sciences at Woxsen University has been established with the aim of giving the next generation of scientists/inventors/innovators a strong foundation to build their innovations. In addition to assisting students in acquiring theoretical knowledge, academia will also offer guidance through unique pedagogy to help students develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) and show that they have the capacity to develop novel solutions to challenging issues.
In a field like science, which frequently experiences rapid technological advancements, the School of Sciences makes sure that students have exposure to cutting-edge technology, so they are prepared for the industry and are able to tackle new-age challenges. Science Education not only equips students with the necessary skills for a successful career but also shapes their understanding about how the world functions.
Bachelor in Science is rewarding in so many ways in today’s world. Bearing this in mind, Woxsen’s B.Sc (Hons.) has been structured with the most sought-after disciplines owing to its provision of offering versatile roles in various sectors. From higher education to lucrative jobs, it helps students in a multitude of ways by enhancing their research skills, theoretical knowledge, reasoning and qualitative skills. The uniqueness of the degree lies in its ability to be tailor-made by the students, who can choose to pursue any 2 of the 6 sought-after specializations
Undergraduate (UG)
-Woxsen’s illustrious faculty comprises of some of the most renowned scholars and experts from world’s leading global institutions.
Ph.D., IIT, Guwahati, Assam
Mechanical Engineering, Fluid and Thermal Engineering.
Non-linear Dynamics, Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer, Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Application of AI in Mechanical systems, CFD and FEM, Fluid Dynamics, Solar Technology
1. Thermal hydraulic stability analysis of supercritical water-cooled reactor under the effect of seismic-wave acceleration
D Shankar, Beauty Pandey (2022)
Progress in nuclear energy 154, 104492
2. Nonlinear analysis of coupled neutronic-thermohydraulic stability characteristics of supercritical water-cooled reactor
D Shankar, M Pandey, DN Basu (2024)
Annals of Nuclear Energy 195, 110197
3. Parametric Effects on Coupled Neutronic Thermohydraulic Stability Characteristics of Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor
DNB Daya Shankar, Manmohan Pandey (2017)
Ann. Nucl. Energy 112, 120–131
Courses Taught:
Integrating Machine Learning Models into Web Applications, Engineering Drawing, Computer-Aided Design, Thermal Hydraulics, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Post Ph.D. (DST Women Scientist), IIT Madras, Ph.D. (Applied Physics), IIT-ISM Dhanbad
Material Sc., Nanophysics, Engineering Physics, Thermodynamics, Mechanics & Renewable Energy
Solar Energy, Photocatalysis, Composites, Nanostructures, Nanotechnology & Experimental Material Sc.
1. A scalable approach for functionalization of TiO2 nanotube arrays with g-C3N4 for enhanced photo-electrochemical performance.
B Pandey, S Rani, SC Roy (2020)
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 846, 155881.
2. Electrical and magnetic properties of electrodeposited nickel incorporated diamond-like carbon thin films
B Pandey, D Das, AK Kar (2015)
Applied Surface Science 337, 195-207
3. Recent Trends in Metallic Nanocomposites for Sensing and Electrochemical Devices. B. Pandey, D.Shankar (2023); Nanoparticles Reinforced Metal Nanocomposites. Springer, Singapore, pp. 237–271.
Courses Taught:
Fundamentals of Applied Physics, Fundamentals of Electrics & Electronic Circuits , Physics For Engineers , Nanophysics , Heat & Thermodynamics
Post Ph.D. (Senior Project Scientist, Post-Doc) Photovoltaic device fabrication, Dept. of Physics, IIT Madras; Ph.D. (Department of Physics) IIT Guwahati; MTech. (Solid State Technology) IIT Kharagpur; MSc. (Physics) Andhra University
Photovoltaics, Semiconductors, Thin films, Solid State Physics
Tandem and Hetero junction silicon solar cells, Inorganic-Organic solar cells, Flexible solar cells, Passivating contacts, Transition metal Oxides,
Si based solar cells, Simulation of devices
1. Ramakrishna Madaka, kumar Dinesh, Pandey Beauty, Bandaru Narendra, Dasari Jagadeeswara Rao, Zuala Lalhriat, Rath Jatindra Kumar "Two-Dimensional Transition Metal Oxides (TMOs) for Solar Cell Applications" (2024) Page:53-862, Springer publisher.
2. Ramakrishna Madaka, Dinesh Kumar, Ashish K. Singh, Md. Seraj Uddin, Jatin Kumar Rath, “Tunnel Recombination Junction Influence on the a-Si:H/SHJ Tandem Solar Cell”, Materials Today: Proceedings 39 (2021) 1970-1973.
3. Ramakrishna Madaka, Venkanna Kanneboina, Pratima Agarwal, “Exploring the photo paper as flexible substrate for fabrication of a-Si:H based thin film solar cells at low temperature (110°C) and influence of rf-power on opto-electronic properties” Thin Solid Films 662 (2018) 155-164.
Courses Taught:
Fundamentals of Applied Physics, Fundamentals of Electrics & Electronic Circuits, Electrodynamics, Solar Photovoltaic Energy Conversion
Post Ph.D. (Post-Doc) Department of Chemistry, IIT Bombay; Ph.D. (School of Chemical sciences) National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) Bhubaneswar; MSc. (Chemistry) Pune University
Physical Chemistry and Spectroscopy
Photophysical studies of fluorogenic molecules, Drug-protein interactions, protein-solvent interactions and dynamics, non-covalent interactions in nucleobases and nucleic acids, Ionic liquids
1. Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Souradip Dasgupta, Tanuja Kistwal , Anindya Datta* "Fluorescence Monitoring of Binding of a Zn (II) complex of a Schiff base with Human Serum Albumin" Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2023, 226, 1515–1522.
2. Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Apramita Chand, Subhrakant Jena and Himansu S. Biswal*, “Hydrogen-bond-driven thiouracil dissolution in aqueous ionic liquid: A combined microscopic, spectroscopic and molecular dynamics study.” (J. mol. Liq. 2020, 319, 114275).
3. Dipak Kumar Sahoo, Subhrakant Jena, Juhi Dutta, Suman Chakrabarty,* Himansu S. Biswal* “Critical Assessment of the Interaction between DNA and Choline Amino Acid Ionic Liquids: Evidences of Multimodal Binding and Stability Enhancement.” ACS Cent. Sci. 2018, 4, 1642−1651.
Courses Taught:
Fundamentals of Applied chemistry (Theory and Lab), Introduction to green chemistry
Ph.D. in Materials Engineering, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Thin Films, Nanotechnology, Energy Harvesting, Optoelectronic Devices and Biomedical Applications
Courses Taught:
Engineering Physics, Nano Materials and Technology, Advanced Functional Materials Principles of Electrical and Electrical Engineering
Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, BITS-Pilani, M.Sc in Applied Mathematics, NIT Warangal.
Compressible Flows & Shock Waves
Numerical Solutions to Compressible Flow Problems
Courses Taught:
Applied Statistics, Engineering Mathematics, Probability and Random Variables, Mathematics-I, Mathematics-II, Mathematics-III
Ph.D. (Physics) University of Hyderabad, Telangana State, India; M.Sc.,Physics - Dr. R M L Avadh University Faizabad, U.P, India; B.Sc., Physics, Mathematics - Dr. R M L Avadh University Faizabad, U.P, India
Quantum optics, Quantum random number generators, Quantum key distribution
Quantum optics, Quantum information, Quantum cryptography, Quantum Teleportation, Quantum error correction, Quantum random number generators, Quantum computing
1. Nonclassical photon statistics and bipartite entanglement generation of excited coherent states. Quantum Inf Process 19, 297 (2020),
2. Long-time dynamics of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser under optical feedback. Pramana - J Phys 92, 59 (2019),
3. free space communication, Optik, Volume 127, Issue 19, 2016, Pages 7578-7585, ISSN 0030-4026,
Ph.D. (Physics) from IIT Guwahati
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
High k and low loss materials (Dielectric Resonators), Energy storage materials, Oxide thin films, ferroelectrics, antiferroelectrics, Advanced ceramics, Electrocaloric effect
1. T Santhosh Kumar, RK Bhuyan, D Pamu, Effect of post annealing on structural, optical and dielectric properties of MgTiO3 thin films deposited by RF magnetron sputtering, Applied surface science 264, 184-190 (2013).
2. T Santhosh Kumar, W Huang, X Du, C Yao, Y Ke, J Wu, N Qin, D Bao, Sm-doping induced large enhancement of antiferroelectric and energy storage performances of (111) oriented PbZrO3 thin films, Ceramics International 45 (17), 23586-23591 (2019).
3. J Wu, Q Xu, E Lin, B Yuan, N Qin, T Santhosh Kumar, D Bao, Insights into the Role of Ferroelectric Polarization in Piezocatalysis of Nanocrystalline BaTiO3, ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (21), 17842-17849 (2018).
Courses Taught:
Engineering Physics
Integrable Systems, Dynamical Systems, Mathematical Modelling
1. ,
Courses Taught:
Discrete Mathematics
Biomedical Engineering
Lab on chip, Biosensors, Sustainability, Healthcare technologies
Courses Taught:
Societal Project Theory
AI,Machine Learning , Deep Learning, Networks, Sensors
Courses Taught:
Computer Organization, Operating Systems
Post-Doc (Mechanical Engineering), George Mason University, USA.
Ph.D. (Nanotechnology), IIT Guwahati, India.
M.Tech (Biotechnology), Heritage Institute of Technology, India.
B.Tech (Biotechnology), Heritage Institute of Technology, India.
Fairy tale studies, Gender studies, and Film studies.
Teaching Interest:
Nanobiotechnology, Environmental Sciences, Microbiology, Cell Biology and Genetics
Postdoctoral Fellow (PDF), National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan; Ph.D. in Chemistry, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Warangal, India; M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Organic Chemistry, Materials Chemistry
1. Fu, S.-Y., Chang, C.-H., Ivanov, A. S., Popovs, I., Chen, J.-L., Liao, Y.-F., Liu, H.-K., Suman, C., Chiang, Y.-W., Lee, J.-C., Liu, W.-L., Kaveevivitchai, W., & Chen, T.-H. (2023). Mixed‐Valence CuI/CuIII Metal−Organic Frameworks with Non‐innocent Ligand for Multielectron Transfer. Angewandte Chemie.
2. Gujjula, S. R., Pal, U., Chanda, N., Karingula, S., Suman, C., Siliveri, S., Goskula, S., & Narayanan, V. (2023). Versatile Bifunctional Ag@g-C3N4/r-GO Catalyst for Efficient Photo- and Electrocatalytic H2 Production. Energy & Fuels, 37(13), 9722–9735.
3. Suman, C., Siliveri, S., Gangalla, R., Goskula, S., Gujjula, S. R., & Narayanan, V. (2019). Synthesis of new multivalent metal ion functionalized mesoporous silica and studies of their enhanced antimicrobial and cytotoxicity activities. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 7(45), 7235–7245.
Courses Taught:
Advanced Coordination Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry
B.Sc in Physics from Presidency College, University of Calcutta;
M.Sc in Physics from IIT Bombay;
PhD from 'The Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York;
Light- matter interactions in quantum systems. Fundamental and applied nano-scale physics. Excitonic, photonic, plasmonic, and hybrid quantum systems.
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung Germany, American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, Materials Research Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
1. Determination of excitonic size with sub-nanometer precision via excitonic Aharonov-Bohm effect in type-II quantum dots. Roy, B., Ji, H., Dhomkar, S., Cadieu, F., Peng, L., Moug, R., Tamargo, M. C., Kuskovsky, I. L., (2012): In: Applied Physics Letters, vol. 100, 213114 pp.
2. Enhancement and narrowing of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations due to built-in electric field in stacked type-II ZnTe/ZnSe quantum dots: Spectral analysis. Roy, B., Ji, H., Dhomkar, S., Cadieu, F. J., Peng, L., Moug, R., Tamargo, M. C., Kim, Y., Smirnov, D., Kuskovsky, I. L., (2012): In: Physical Review B, vol. 86, 165310 pp.
3. Decoherence in semiconductor nanostructures with type-II band alignment: All-optical measurements using Aharonov-Bohm excitons: Kuskovsky, I. L., Mourokh, L. G, Roy. B, Ji. H, Dhomkar. S, Ludwig. J, Smirnov. D, and Tamargo. M. C : Phys. Rev. B 95, 165445, 2017.
BSc. (Hons) in Agriculture from MAU Parbhani; MSc (Agri) Agronomy from ANGRAU AP; PhD from IARI, New Delhi
Agronomy, Sustainable agriculture, Soil Health Management, Conservation Agriculture, Precision farming, digital Agriculture
Indian society of Agronomy
1. Nayak, B. B., Bharathi, S., Sree Rekha, M., and Jayalalitha, K. (2024). Effect of crop geometry and nitrogen levels on leaf chlorophyll content of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) at different growth stages under rainfed Vertisols. Indian Journal of Agronomy, 69(1), 62-66.
2. 'Nayak, B. B., Mrudula, D., Prasanna, T., and Raj, G. B. (2024). New generation technologies for precision nutrient management for sustainable agriculture. In Current Trends in Agriculture & Allied Sciences (Vol. 4). ISBN-978-93-341-0243-7.
3. 'Manasa, N., Krishna, K. V., Nayak, B. B., and Kumar, C. S. (2024). Impact of biofertilizers and zinc foliar spray on mustard growth, chlorophyll content, and yield. African Journal of Biological Sciences, 6(13), 6622-6636.
BSc from Osmania University;
MSc from Pondicherry University ;
PhD from ACSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute
Heterocyclic Synthesis, Green chemistry
1. Vladimir L Bondarev, Alexey A Festa, Olga A Storozhenko, Nikita E Golantsov, Venkatanarayana, Azo Coupling of Indoles Revisited: Synthesis of Biindolyl Photoswitches via the Azo-Coupling/C–H Functionalization Domino Approach, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2023, 88, 12949.
2. Raju Mudhulkar, Krishnaiah Damarla, Venkata Narayana Pappula, Preparation and characterization of carrageenan-embedded lanthanum iron oxide nanocomposite for efficient removal of arsenite ions from water, Analytical Methods, 2022, 14 (4), 449-459
3. Venkata Narayana, Oxidative Amidation of Methylarenes and Heteroamines under Metal‐Free Conditions, 2017, 2 (21), 5887-5890
B.Sc. in Biotechnology ; M.Sc. in biotechnology ; Ph.D. from Indian Institute of Technology
[Currently in Progress] 'Deciphering the Impact of flavonoid 3,5-dihydroxy-7,4’-dimethoxyflavone from Alpinia nigra on colon cancer cell migration: modulation of E-cadherin, N-cadherin, and CXCR4 expression
B.Tech in Biotechnology from KIIT University; M.Tech in Biotechnology from KIIT University; PhD from IIT Guwahati
Antimicrobial Resistance, Antimicrobials, Drug delivery, Hydrogels, Wound Healing
1. Halder, S., Nayak, B., Bhattacharjee, B., Ramesh, A. and Das, G (2021). Insight into the aggregation prospective of Schiff base AIEgens enabling an efficient hydrazine sensor in their aggregated state. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 8596-8605.
2. 'Basak, M., Bhattacharjee, B., Ramesh, A. and Das, G (2021). Self-assembled quinoxaline derivative: Insight into disaggregation induced selective detection of nitro-aromatics in aqueous medium and live cell imaging. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 196, 109779.
3. Bhattacharjee, B., Das, A., Das, G. and Ramesh, A. (2022). Urea-based ligand as an efflux pump inhibitor: warhead to counter ciprofloxacin resistance and inhibit collagen adhesion by MRSA. ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2022, 5, 1710-1720.
4. Bhattacharjee, B., Basak, M., Das, G. and Ramesh, A. (2023). Quinoxaline-based membrane-targeting therapeutic material: implications in rejuvenating antibiotic and curb MRSA infiltration in an in vitro bone cell infection model. Biomaterials Advances, 2023, Vol. 148, 213359.
5. 'Theories of Capital Structure Analysis of Capital Structure Determinants’.
Bachelor of dental Surgery from Baba Farid University; Masters in hospital and healthcare management from Apollo Hospital's; Masters in Hospital Quality, Symbiosis Pune
Specializations :
Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ)
Memberships :
Woxsen University regularly organises a diverse array of conferences, seminars and lectures that enable our students to come together, discuss wide-ranging topics and gain a holistic perspective on various intellectually stimulating subjects.
My First Billion, Unicorn Calling, Woxsen Leadership and Dean’s Lecture series are initiatives that help our students engage with and learn from accomplished thought leaders and industry experts through active dialogue and discourse.
These engagements not only help our students build a solid multidisciplinary understanding of diverse subjects but also aid in developing critical perspectives on diverse issues.
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Interact & Network with Industry Leaders
Exclusive Mentoring Program for Budding Entrepreneurs
Lecture Series