

Feb 14, 2016

  • Can a group of students, with little resources at its disposal, replicate the success of the Indian Premier League on campus? Well, if that group of students is from Woxsen, the answer is a definite ‘yes’.

    Our students brain-stormed to list the ingredients that are required for an event of this complexity and ambition. They poured over pages of articles going all the way back to the genesis of the IPL a decade ago. Without reinventing the wheel, what could they adopt from the IPL? And what should they change?

    From such intense effort emerged the form and structure of the Woxsen Premier League (WPL). In its inaugural year, the WPL would have four teams competing through a group stage and finally, knock-out games. The prize-money at stake would be attractive, thus motivating every participant to give his or her very best. Practical constraints like scheduling matches without affecting academic courses would have to be dealt with. And, of course, since cricket is played for entertainment, each match should be successful in drawing in spectators and keeping them enthralled in the proceedings.

    Can you imagine the amount of academic application that went into conducting the WPL? Operational planning, scheduling, costing, event budgeting, risk management, marketing… Is it any wonder that the Woxsen way of learning is being studied and copied by other educational institutions?

    Back to the cricket. On that historic day of Sunday, 12th February, the Rajputhana Warriors edged past the Woxsen Warriors by 14 runs to be crowned the first WPL champions. What a match it was, with fortunes literally “swinging like a pendulum”. Well done, Woxsenites – you truly are game-changers.

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