
Trade Tower at Woxsen signs MoU with The Factor-Y

Apr 06, 2024

The Trade Tower at Woxsen University reached a significant milestone by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with "The Factor-Y".

The MoU was signed by Founder Mr. Philipp Assmus, Mr. Raj Vangapandu, President of Indo-Euro Synchronization, India, and Mr. Stefan Karlen, Head of Strategic Advisory at The Factor-Y. 

Under our Innovation Partner initiative, this MoU marks a powerful collaboration aimed at fostering innovation and driving impactful initiatives forward. Factor-Y's visionary concept of CBaaS (Company Building as a Service) offering opens doors to market innovative business ideas and inventions, while their expertise helps monetize IPs in record time. This partnership promises to create a thriving environment for entrepreneurship and growth.

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